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Free training webinars




You have a lot of questions about reuse checks? Come to our free webinars!
This is a great opportunity to understand how the Antiplagiat system works, acquire practical skills, and share experiences with colleagues from other regions and countries.
Digital certificates for all participants!

Schedule of webinars

Wed02 October 202415:15 Мск

Проблема самоцитирования в научных работах: возможности системы «Антиплагиат»

Преподавателям, научным сотрудникам, редакторам, членам диссертационных советов

Thu03 October 202410:00 Мск

Диссертации: оцениваем оригинальность и готовим экспертное заключение. Мастер-класс онлайн

Руководителям научных подразделений, ученым секретарям, членам диссертационных советов

Tue08 October 202415:15 Мск

Рукописи под защитой: «Антиплагиат» для авторов научных статей

Авторам: студентам, магистрантам, аспирантам, соискателям учёной степени, научным сотрудникам, учёным

Wed09 October 202415:15 Мск

Внедрение системы «Антиплагиат» в организации: 7 простых шагов

Всем специалистам, ответственным за организацию проверок работ на заимствования

Thu10 October 202415:15 Мск

Антиплагиат в законе: совмещаем оригинальность и качество работ по юриспруденции. Круглый стол онлайн

Для руководителей и преподавателей юридических вузов и факультетов, членов профильных диссоветов, редакторов научных журналов юридического профиля, авторов научных работ по юриспруденции, всех, кто часто и много цитирует законодательство.

Wed16 October 202411:00 Мск

Директ-Академия в сезоне 24/25: онлайн-школа для индустрии образования

Thu17 October 202415:15 Мск

Разработка Регламента использования системы «Антиплагиат» в вузе. Мастер-класс онлайн.

Всем специалистам, ответственным за организацию проверок работ на заимствования

Tue22 October 202415:15 Мск

Проверка дипломных работ (ВКР) в системе «Антиплагиат». Мастер-класс онлайн

Преподавателям, научным руководителям, специалистам, ответственным за проверку ВКР на заимствования

Thu24 October 202410:00 Мск

Ежегодная научно-практическая конференция «Обнаружение заимствований – 2024»

Всем специалистам, ответственным за организацию проверок работ на заимствования

Tue29 October 202410:00 Мск

Взаимодействие Преподаватель-Студент в системе «Антиплагиат.ВУЗ»

Администраторам, специалистам УМО и отделов информационно-образовательных технологий


An electronic personal certificate is sent to full-time participants of the webinar to the email address specified during registration within 24 hours from the date of the webinar. To get a certificate, you must be present online in the webinar room at least 75% of the time. A certificate is not issued for viewing a broadcast on YouTube or webinars in the recording, because such views are unauthorized. The certificate text is in Russian, and the appearance of the certificate is the same for everyone.

ATTENTION! Certificates are generated automatically by the mailing program based on the data that was entered during registration. You can enter your full name either in Russian or in foreign languages – they will be indicated in the certificate as you wrote them. If you entered your data incorrectly, made mistakes or typos, the certificate will be exactly the same. Please pay attention to the registration!

To receive certificates when viewing the webinar in group, you must send a list of all participants to metodolog@antiplagiat.ru

Download group participation template.

Watch now

Norm and pathology in modern publishing activity

Arefiev P.G., Head of the Analytical Department of SEL eLibrary.RU


Trust your eyes: the use of images in scientific publications

Online round table on the use of images in scientific publications


AI or not AI? Round table online

Chekhovich Y.V., Kosyakov D.V., Kokarev K.P.


See the webinar recordings on our channel


To view the channel follow the link

How to participate in the webinar

Individual participation


Select the webinar and click "Participate".

Register on the page of the selected webinar. If you have questions to webinar's chairman, ask them on the registration page or send to: metodolog@antiplagiat.ru.

You will receive a message with a link to the webinar, as well as reminders about participation prior 1 day and prior 1 hour the start.

Go by the link 5 minutes before the start time. Do not forget to connect speakers or headphones, close other programms and irelevant browser pages.

For optimal quality of the webinar broadcast, we recommend using a computer or laptop. If this option is not available, you can connect from your smartphone or tablet. It is preferable to use a wired Internet connection (not wi-fi).

Group participation


If you want to receive training for your organization's specialists, you can:

- Organize a webinar broadcast for a group of participants in the audience, informing them in advance about the venue and time. Registration of each participant is not required. Additionally, you will need speakers and a projector / screen.

- Send a newsletter for your colleagues with information about the webinar. They will be able to participate individually.

- Submit an application in a free form to metodolog@antiplagiat.ru to conduct a specific webinar for your organization's specialists. An employee of Antiplagiat company will contact you to agree on the details.


Lyudmila Borisovna Filippova

Turgenev Oryol State University

I have already attended last year's webinar on the same topic, so when signing up for this one, I was worried that I would not hear anything new. But I was proven wrong and am very glad for it! I appreciate the fact that your webinars ALWAYS (I try to attend your webinars regularly) take all the changes and innovations in the system into account and that you present information as clearly as possible. The webinars are on relevant topics. You answer our questions and help us – university experts – to continuously better ourselves. Thank you for doing everything to improve the system and, in doing so, facilitating the checking of scientific papers for us.

Valentina Vladimirovna Rekstina

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Thank you very much! I have learned new information even though I had already been quite familiar with the Antiplagiat system and use it to check papers. Additionally, these webinars have helped me realize that I do everything, or almost everything, right – the Attestation Commission has many issues with the way I check papers, all while citing other departments that seem to completely neglect the checking, resulting in a high rate of text reuse in the theses of their poor students (mainly because of the Materials and Methods section, which more or less follows an established template), as an example.

Natalya Vasilyevna Esedullayeva

Dagestan Federal Research Center under the Russian Academy of Sciences

A very interesting webinar! Admittedly, the same can be said about all your events. I attend all of Antiplagiat's webinars whenever I can. By its nature, my job involves checking scientific articles for text reuse. I cannot say that it is easy – there are always more questions I need answers to, so I try to avoid missing any of the webinars and never stop learning. I would like to extend my thanks to the organizers and speakers for this opportunity!

Rita Kamilevna Khalitova

Bashkir State Medical University

The webinar topic is very relevant, as we often have to deal with duplicate submissions and a large percentage (60–70%) of text recycling in general when checking articles with the Antiplagiat system. Many thanks to Yu.V. Chekhovich for a detailed analysis of the topic and to the speakers for the interesting discussions and comments.

Nina Vladimirovna Drobotun

St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

The webinar offers relevant information. As an experienced user of the system in the role of Administrator, I found the presented information on the system's functionality highly useful. It would be great if the website provided information on the planned updates aimed at expanding the system's functionality in the section that describes Antiplagiat's capabilities.

Lyubov Gennadyevna Knauer

Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 15, Ust-Ilimsk

I found it interesting, even though I am not an academic researcher myself. As a teacher, it is very helpful to know the rules and obligations for avoiding the pitfalls of publishing your own papers. From now on, I will be paying more attention to the authorship and formatting of quotes.

Yelena Aleksandrovna Kuleshova

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The webinar was excellently organized. The topic was very relevant and the guests' questions received due attention. We were provided useful links and the information presented was well structured. Thank you very much!

Yelena Yuryevna Nebrodovskaya-Mazur

Moscow University of Psychology and Social Sciences

Very informative. The explanations were extremely detailed and all of the examples were demonstrated in practice. I received answers to my questions. The topic is relevant. The speaker has a very pleasant voice and is easy to listen to. The webinar was very professionally organized. Thank you!

Tatyana Yevgenyevna Isayeva

Rostov State Transport University

A wonderful webinar! We were able to cover a great number of pressing issues. The lecturer communicated with us in a very lively manner, keeping us interested all the way through. It was great to be able to download the presentation while the webinar was still in progress. Thank you very much!

Lazzat Myrzakhanovna Bayirbekova

South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

I learned a lot of interesting information. This webinar prompted our university to revise the rules for using Antiplagiat.

Elzat Arstanbek-kyzy

Isanov Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport, and Architecture

All of today's information will be of great use to me, as I am currently writing my Ph.D. dissertation. I would like to extend my thanks to the lecturer!

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kolosovskaya

North Caucasus Federal University

We need to take measures to ensure that only those specialists who have received training at your webinars are allowed to check papers for plagiarism ;)

Irina Alekseyevna Kyurshunova

Petrozavodsk State University

1. This webinar is important because of its practical focus and the possibility to watch and subsequently discuss it with your students and colleagues. 2. I realized that our university is doing everything right.

Olesya Konstantinovna Pavelyeva

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Thank you very much for the webinar. It was very useful for postgraduate students as well, as It explained how the originality of our dissertations is assessed in practice.

Yekaterina Yevgenyevna Lutskaya

Moscow State Pedagogical University

The expert's presentation was very helpful and interesting to listen to. I realized that, on the whole, I have been using the system the way it was intended. Nonetheless, it was still great to get a confirmation that my intuitive understanding was correct.

Roman Alekseyevich Chesnov

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University

A very useful webinar and a great speaker with excellent articulation and delivery combined with a psychological style of presentation!

Tatyana Filippovna Kapitan

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

The organizers and speakers are professionals in their field. It is both enjoyable and useful for teaching staff to attend such webinars.

Tatyana Vladimirovna Mikhailenko

Petrov Stavropol College of Communications

I would like to thank the speakers for their detailed presentation. The relevant topic chosen for the webinar makes it possible to apply the acquired information in practice in the future.

For all questions concerning webinars, please contact:

Olga Belenkaya
Head of education and methodology center of Antiplagiat company