Antiplagiat products for corporate customers
View the detailed description of Antiplagiat product line and make a decision
Along with the corporate version of the system you also get
Personal account
Own login for each employee of an organization
Configuration of check parameters and users management
Documents check
Check through the Unified collection, full check report, ability to edit and download results
System support
Support of the system by our technical specialists
Our products
The product is optimal
for organizations that have their own comprehensive information system
Functional features
Automated checks via API
– Contains the core functional of documents check
– Allows to embed the product into existing information system
The product is optimal
for scientific organizations, dissertation councils, publishing houses, libraries
Functional features
– Personal accounts – users’ own workspaces
– Ability to create own collection of organization
– Bulk upload of documents
– Detailed statistics on checks
Optimal for support of expert text reuse identification activity
The product is optimal
for educational institutions
Functional features
The product contains the features of Antiplagiat.Expert, as well as:
– Courses and tasks creation, and statistics on them
– Reviewing of academic papers
– Student, teacher, and administrator workspaces
– Users activity log
– Statistics on user roles, created tasks, and uploaded papers
Automates workflow processes between teachers and students
The product is optimal
for organizations with vast subdivisions structure
Functional features
The product contains the features of Antiplagiat.Edu, as well as:
– Supports the organization structure (departments, faculties, institutes, dissertation councils, etc.)
– Distributes users by structural subdivisions
– Delegates the administration of system to structural subdivisions administrators
– Detailed statistics by structural subdivisions of an organization
Replicates the structure of organization with the ability to manage subdivisions
The product is optimal
For consortia, associations, organizations with separate divisions, branches and representative offices that are geographically remote from each other
Functional features
The product contains the features of Antiplagiat.Structure, as well as:
– Management of settings and restrictions for separate organizations
– Support of organizations’ own collections and checks through them
– Ability to provide separate independent access to the system for each branch
Control over multiple organizations with individual settings for each organization
Additional on-demand features
Unified collection
The Unified collection module allows to check papers through the in-depth and up-to-date database of scientific, educational and other documents, ensuring high quality of check.
The module includes:
- The Internet plus module supports searching for text reuses through the open sources of the scientific and educational segment of the Internet along with search via global search engines. The module allows you to significantly expand the search area and find more matches among those pages and documents that were updated or created recently
- Full texts of dissertations and abstracts from the Russian State Library funds
- The NLB collection module provides a search for text reuses from the full texts of dissertations and author abstracts from the National Library of Belarus
- Full texts of scientific articles in Russian and foreign languages from the collections of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU; regulatory documents of Garant and Adilet systems; patents in Russian and foreign languages
- Consolidated documents collection, which includes documents of universities participating in the ‘Ring of universities’ project
- Consolidated collection of electronic library systems Lan, Direct Media,, BiblioRossika, Uwrite,, Student Assistant
- Scientific and educational literature on medicine and pharmaceuticals of the publishing group GEOTAR-Media, the library of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Meditsina publishing house
- Search module for cross-lingual text reuses
All the content providers have signed the agreements on the checks through the Antiplagiat system
Internet plus search
The Internet plus module supports searching for text reuses through the Internet using global search engines. The module allows you to significantly expand the search area and find more matches among those pages and documents that were updated or created recently
This module can be purchased separately or as a part of the Unified collection search module
Media collection
The Media collection module provides search for text reuses from the closed Russian-language archive and database of 4000 media since 2000.
Access to API
A set of modules and documentation that allow you to modify and configure your organization’s information system for integration with the Antiplagiat system on your own
Support of external authorization services
Integration with ad, LDAP, Suite, and AD FS authorization services (for Antiplagiat.Edu, Antiplagiat.Structure, Antiplagiat.Network)
Intergation modules
The connection of Antiplagiat to the integration modules Megapro, Avtor-VUZ
Access to the system via the Internet, without installing additional software on the computer
Local deploy
The system is installed on your organization’s hardware and can work without an Internet connection
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